This is the story of two Brave Hearts: Nitesh & Dimple. It is an Ode to their struggles against Cancer and an immortalization of the lessons learned from the experience.
Nestled in the lap of seven lakes sits the campus of IIM Calcutta. Affectionately known as IIM Joka, it is home to many budding Entrepreneurs and future Corporate Honchos. It was here that fate brought together Dimple Parmar and Nitesh Prajapat and thus began a journey that proved to be larger than life.
Entrepreneurs with the vision to make a mark in their respective fields, Dimple and Nitesh shared the desire to see their ideas take shape and come to fruition. Young and Passionate, their love for the world of business brought them together. As they grew closer, they cherished their similarities and complemented each other's differences. With the warmth of the other's presence, they were nothing short of a power couple. They enjoyed a fast-paced student life with short deadlines and intimidating goals. But a turn of fate brought it all to a halt.
Nestled in the lap of seven lakes sits the campus of IIM Calcutta. Affectionately known as IIM Joka, it is home to many budding Entrepreneurs and future Corporate Honchos. It was here that fate brought together Dimple Parmar and Nitesh Prajapat and thus began a journey that proved to be larger than life.
Entrepreneurs with the vision to make a mark in their respective fields, Dimple and Nitesh shared the desire to see their ideas take shape and come to fruition. Young and Passionate, their love for the world of business brought them together. As they grew closer, they cherished their similarities and complemented each other's differences. With the warmth of the other's presence, they were nothing short of a power couple. They enjoyed a fast-paced student life with short deadlines and intimidating goals. But a turn of fate brought it all to a halt.